Visit the Best Salt Room in Las Vegas
You’re visiting Vegas and just need to get away and relax. If you’ve never tried a salt room before, we welcome you to visit the Lapis & Oak Salt Lounge. It’s relaxing, beautiful, health-enhancing, and may just turn out to be your favorite part of the trip!
Our professionally-designed salt room is warm, inviting, modern and beautiful. We always, always prioritize cleanliness and have created a peaceful, streamlined space for your salt lounge session. In fact, our local regulars and repeat visitors from around the country tell us we’re the best salt lounge in the Las Vegas area…we’d have to agree!
Not All Salt Rooms are the Same
Yes, you have options. But at Lapis & Oak Salt Lounge, we’re not satisfied with just-good-enough operations like other salt caves you may have experienced. First, we use pharmaceutical-grade salt, rather than the more common pink Himalayan salt often used elsewhere.
Second, we intentionally designed our salt lounge – and entire spa facility – with consistency, cleanliness and tranquility in mind. From the first moment you walk through our door, we want you to experience an immediate sense of peace and well-being. It’s a feeling we believe should follow you through every service you receive and in your every interaction with our staff.
As you arrive at the Lapis & Oak salt room, you are immediately welcomed to recline in one of our oh-so-comfortable chairs and relax. You’ll probably find yourself closing your eyes (don’t forget to turn off your phone!), as our custom halogenerator quietly creates and circulates dry salt aerosol throughout the air. Micronized salt particles spread throughout the room, gently permeating your skin and breathing passages, while you fall ever more deeply into a relaxed state. There’s nothing quite like it.
We Know What We’re Doing
Did you know that salt rooms are more than just a trend? In fact, they’re a centuries-old method to improve your health! From Ancient Greece to China, salt therapy – also known as “halotherapy” – has been revered, for 2000 years and counting, for its respiratory and skin benefits.
From “salt baths” to long days spent at the seaside, countless people around the world have enjoyed the benefits of salt-infused air. If you’re experiencing respiratory conditions like asthma or bronchitis or any of a variety of skin ailments, you may very well notice similar improvements.
This is why we knew a salt lounge would be an essential part of our services at Lapis & Oak. Offering a peaceful, meditative experience that’s anti-bacterial and anti-microbial, boosts immunity and improves one’s respiratory functioning was an obvious choice.
What We Offer
First things first: our staff is professional, licensed, and highly experienced. We employ several of the best massage therapists and estheticians in the spa industry and we all work hard to provide flawless, authentic service to every customer. Many of our clients add on one or more of our fully customizable bodywork of skincare treatments to their salt session, making it an afternoon or even a full day at the spa.
Whether you want to book your spot in our salt room for a short respite before catching your flight or for a weekly session, we offer a range of value-concscious options to meet your needs. We also offer packages and memberships, as well as specialized group experiences for couples, friends, even bridal parties. Call us at (702) 848-2424 for more information.